At the age of fourteen, kids can learn how to program and code with just a bit of instruction and motivation. Coding and programming skills can help foster their ability to think about patterns, mathematically how to solve problems, and come up with creative solutions. Coding can allow them to think outside of the box, which can also help them with additional life skills. The resiliency and tenacity that coding teaches fourteen-year-olds will carry them for the rest of their life.
Kids that are fourteen years old today have pretty much grown up with technological innovations that continue to exponentially grow at a rapid scale. With society becoming increasingly dependent on technology, kids that can think critically about how the technology was created versus just being consumers of the technology will provide them a perspective that most kids will not have.
If they are exposed to coding at 14 years old, kids can explore whether they want to continue this interest as a hobby or even explore it as a future vocation. This guide will teach you how to introduce coding to kids and getting them started on this lifelong learning journey of computer programming.

All About Teaching 14 Year Old How to Code
Most parents have a misconception that coding is complicated to learn. However, as a teenager, basic programming principles like variables, control flow, and function can come naturally as they learn the fundamentals at an early age when compared to adult learners being taught for the first time.
Teenagers Learning to Code
Teenagers need to learn programming, not just the programming language. The way you can do this is by having teenagers start with a problem and figure out how to solve it.
By stepping through a problem, creating a visual flowchart on how to solve the problem and breaking it down into a recipe a computer can read, will allow them to start with understanding the requirements that a computer will need when they write the code.
Generally, teenagers should know that coding is pretty much simple math problems that are combined and layered together into a larger math problem that can be broken down.
One important lesson to teach teenagers prior to starting their journey is to not allow them to give up when the problem becomes to complex. Each failure is a lesson. With the internet at their finger tips, they can certainly figure out the solution or at least a solution that they can modify.
Best Tips to Teach Your 14-Year-Old How to Code
Below are some of the best tips for teaching fourteen year old students how to code in an effective way that also continues to motivate them.
Using Python For The Older Kids
Python is often considered the ideal programming language because of its simple syntax. It helps produce readable code and will have a larger and more friendly community of developers.
Reading Source Code in GitHub
GitHub is a repository full of source code for pretty much any open source software. There are so many available GitHub repositories that kids can look through to get inspiration and even try it out on their own.
Gamify the Learning Journey
Programming video games will be a common starting point for teenager coders that are beginning their journey. Roblox, Minecraft, Flappy Bird, Angry Birds, Five Nights at Freddy's, and similar other games will be great inspirational sources.
However, you must remember that the games your kids love might not always make up for a great programming project, especially when starting out. Most games will need teams of artists, developers, and designers to put the work together. Games that require a lot of artwork and level design will overwhelm beginners. To level set, for kids beginning their coding journey, it is always more critical to complete a simple game than starting to finish a massive project.

Coding Toys and Robotics
There are some amazing toys and robotics that are available to kids who want to be a little more hands on. With Edison Robotics, kids can learn Python by creating a robot using this kit. There are a ton of coding toys that also make great educational gifts for teenagers who have verbalized an interest in computer science and technology.
Ultimate Coding Kit
Electronic circuits like Arduino and Raspberry Pi kits can also teach kids the basics of computer programming, but with a hands on approach. Besides buttons and an LCD screen, the kit has all the components your kid needs, like speakers, light, LED light strips, sound sensors, and temperature. When the kid constructs something from the kit, they will receive feedback on time.
Engine Physics Laws-Inertia, Friction, Circular Motion, And Energy Conservation Building Set
This physics kit will allow kids learning how to code the ability to construct and then experiment with all the Engino components to learn some fundamental rules of physics.
Experimenting with this STEM toy will help them to learn about rubber band automobiles, rocket launchers, inertia test platforms, and more.
Smartlab Smart Circuits
If you are all set to challenge your 14-year-old with coding more, this kit is the right one to venture into. This set consists of 50 electrifying projects, which will help enhance the STEM and coding skills of the 14-year old.
With this toy, the 14-year old will use a Modular system and microprocessor to create amazing games and gadgets with sounds, lights, and sensors. They further get to customize the electronic creations in their 3D modes with the help of snap-together boards.
Summary About 14 Year Old to Learn How to Code
The complex concepts of coding and computer programming doesn’t have to be hard to learn for fourteen year old kids. With a few resources, the tenacity to learn, and someone to help foster their creativity, these middle school kids can definitely learn the fundamentals of coding that will extend outside of just coding.
Coding provides the ability to break down complex problems into smaller, more solvable chunks, while teaching them to the ability to be resilient to try again when they initially fail. With the modern technology era, the resources to teach them the core concepts are endless making it easier for them to learn coding.

More Inspiration for 14 Year Old Kids Learning to Code
Looking to be inspired? Here are some other posts related to teaching fourteen year olds how to code.

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