We're sharing tips and tricks on teaching parents how to inspire and foster kids interest in learning how to program and code and faciliate their love of computer science!
Teaching Kids How to Code
Learn more about teaching kids how to code, platforms you can use to teach them, and how to make learning programming fun for kids of all ages.
Parents Teaching Kids How to Code
These are the fundamental things you should know as a parent before guiding your kids into learning computer programming and coding. This includes fundamental vocabulary and terminology if you are learning along with them.
See more more parent guides →
Popular Coding Platforms
This is a roundup of some coding and programming platforms and reviews that you can use to better understand what each of the platform enables.
See more popular coding platforms →
Structured Learning for Coding
If you are looking for some online or in-person structured learning or tutorials for teaching your kids how to code, here's a round up and review of some of the resources we've used.
See more more kids structured learning for computer coding →
Robotics for Kids
Recent Content on Coding
If you are looking for ideas on how to teach kids how to code, whether it's teaching new coding platforms and other languages.