Learn the best tips and resources where you can teach kids at age 11 how to code and program, while having fun doing it.
Kids that are 11 years old are generally starting middle school, and they are learning a wide range of academic concepts while also thinking analytically and solving complex problems. Kids at this age can learn the skills required to learn coding and programming.

Learning how to code is beneficial to building the cognitive abilities of kids because it allows them to use their critical thinking skills. Developing and mastering a new skillset like coding and programming has it’s inherent learning curves, but the challenges are part of the learning journey. This guide will go over some of the best platforms, classes, coding toys, and other learning programs that will be essential in guiding kids specifically at 11 years old interested in learning how to code.
Best Tips and Guides for Learning Coding at 11 Years Old
In this modern age, eleven-year-olds have incredible access to a lot of online resources to learn coding, including step by step tutorials as well as overnight shipping if they wanted to learn through physical, hands-on projects.
While there are a lot of commercially available services and products that are available to parents that are wanting to provide kids the best resources for building the fundamentals of coding, there may be a lot to weed through to get to the best programs and services to use. I’m going to walk you through some of the tried-and-true approaches for starting the learning journey into the creative and complex world of computer programming that can lead to extending their problem-solving capabilities.
Take Online Coding Courses
Learning a new language at 11 years old when they are still trying to master their primary language can be challenging. However, a well-structured course can make it easier to learn, stay engaged, and become motivated to continue learning. A well-structured course makes it easier to comprehend and guarantees that you are studying the material in the correct sequence.
At this young age, a structured course can help because it will guide them through the basics and fundamentals of coding with a task oriented learning process. Generally, computer science topics build on each other, and getting the fundamentals, vocabulary, and syntax understanding right from the outset will be important. Courses will provide a general framework in their coding and programming education.
I have written about our experience where our kids learned computer programming at Code Ninja, which offers in person learning and education. It’s pretty expensive, but allows kids to also connect with others their age in an interactive learning environment.
If you are on a budget, you can let your kids learn from free courses available online. There are various free courses available, including some well down YouTube videos. If you are willing to pay some money for online education, some paid courses are available on CodeSpark Academy.
Coding Platforms for Various Interests
There is an endless list of platforms that offer students project-based learning, allowing kids freedom to design, tinker, and collaborate with their unique designs. There are various coding platforms that are available, but here are some of the top coding platforms that 11 year old kids can use to further their computer science education.
Creating 2D Games - Scratch
The high-level visual programming language website Scratch is designed for children aged 8 to 16 years old as an instructional tool for programming. Scratch can be accessed through the internet or downloaded to a local computer.
If your 11-year-old doesn't know about learning how to code, it is easy to start with Scratch as it is a beginner-friendly website. The Scratch website encourages computational thinking and problem-solving abilities, innovative teaching, learning, self-expression, and cooperation.
If you are looking for a more manageable approach, Scratch also has a lower-level website – Scratch Junior – which is appropriate for kids age 5 to 7. We’ve done a Scratch vs Scratch Jr to help outline the key differences between each of the platforms.
Creating 3D Games - Kodu Game Labs
Games make learning more fun, and Kodu Game Lab is one of them. Kodu Game Lab teaches kids how to create 3D games while teaching them the fundamentals of computer programming. Block-based programming is used on the platform, which means that it just automatically transforms written code into blocks and images.
Using this application, eleven year olds can acquire various coding skills such as understanding and designing variables, branching, and looping, manipulating numbers and strings, subroutines, and polymorphism. Like Scratch, it is also easy to use and beginner-friendly. However, this free application is only available on Windows PCs and Xbox, but not available on Android or Mac.
Learning Fundamentals from Big Tech Companies - Blockly
Blockly is another beginner-friendly online educational platform provided by Google that uses a block-based programming methodology to instruct programming fundamentals and introduce JavaScript. With Blockly, your 11 year old can learn to code as long as they can read. This platform feels as though they are using a jigsaw to put the pieces together, for example specifying the number of degrees to identify the direction an object moves, leaning into geometry and arithmetic prerequisites to start. It’s very similar to Scratch.
Learn Through Crafting - Codeable Crafts
Does your 11 year old have a creative streak in their body yet also fascinated with how modern technology works? If so, they would love Codeable Crafts.
Apps like Codeable Crafts teach students to code by appealing to their creative side. Through the use of storytelling, this app encourages children to practice programming. Using simple "code blocks," children can create their animations or add animations to story prompts.
Read Coding Books
At age 11, your kids are starting to read and comprehend things they are learning. If they want to learn coding in the "old-school" style, various coding books are available for their age.
Some coding books teach the basics of coding, HTML, and more. You can also find books that teach JavaScript and Python language for more advanced learning.
Coding Toys
Another way to teach your child how to code is through coding toys. Coding toys, sometimes called STEM toys, are educational toys that teach programming, robotics, and other topics.
Numerous coding toys have been available for 11 years old – from puzzles to robots (the most popular of all coding toys). Some coding toys do not require screens or batteries to play and learn. Thus, if you want your child to have less exposure to the screenplay, coding toys will be perfect for both of your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
While the optimum age to begin coding varies from child to child, the fundamentals can be taught to children from the age of 11 (or even younger). Kids can learn how to code through various web apps (e.g. CodeMonkey, Blockly, MakeCode), offline coding worksheets, structured courses both online and in-person, as well as through watching YouTube videos geared towards teaching kids how to code.

Summary About 11-Year-Old to Learn How to Code
Even though coding is one of the many developing skills that are becoming increasingly vital in today's world, some educational establishments opt not to teach it to their students. At 11 years old, kids can start learning the fundamentals and even create games or robots through the use of code if they are passionate about innovation and new technology.
We hope that you have found some ideas on different methods and ways to approach learning how to code with your kids that will keep them interested and entertained.

More Inspiration for 11 Year Old Kids Learning to Code
Looking to be inspired? Here are some other posts related to teaching eleven year olds how to code.

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