Coding Stem Projects

Science Fair Ideas

Science Fair Ideas Using Coding

The science fair coding projects are a great avenue for kids to learn coding and computer science. The STEM projects are suitable for kids from 1st grade and above.

Science Fair Ideas Using Coding

Science fair projects teach coding and show kids how computer science can help them innovate, think critically and creatively, solve problems, and create amazing projects.

What is a Science Fair Project?

Science fair projects expose kids to STEM, arts, and more. The projects teach kids about robotics, programming, and coding languages.

Science Fair Ideas for Coding

The science fair projects cover a wide variety of subjects, of which coding is only an aspect. Here are  some of the best coding STEM projects ideas for a science fair.

Build Electric Piano with Raspberry Pi

The electronic piano project uses Scratch 1–3. Kids love Scratch. Kids can make and control the electric piano and try fun projects with Scratch.

Coding for Kids with Jimu Robot

Kids can connect their Jimu Robot to Bluetooth and program it in Blockly language. This is a great programming code for a science fair.

Drawing a Sphero Robot

This is a fun science fair coding project for kids between the ages of four and five. Kids are tasked with drawing shapes that represent code and programming the code on their Sphero robot.

Coding with Robot Turtles

The robot turtles are a great idea for programming code for science fair. This game is a screen-free coding game, which is suitable for kids of all ages.

Mission Morse Code

Mission Morse code is another great idea for a science fair for coding. Kids can learn all about the Morse code and how to write letters or send messages with it.

The STEM projects for science fair are great for kids to learn about science, tech, engineering, math, and arts. The world is rapidly shifting to tech, and the STEM projects contain all you need to get started on it.