All About CodeMonkey

My Honest Review

What is CodeMonkey?

CodeMonkey is an online education platform that specializes in teaching kids how to code.

CodeMonkey offer a variety of courses and learning plans that help kids learn the fundamentals while getting them experience with the same tools and languages that the pros use out in the real world.

Goal of CodeMonkey

CodeMonkey's goal is to engage and educate the next generation of coders and bring the countless opportunities coding provides to millions of kids around the globe, in a more creative and intuitive way than ever before.

CodeMonkey Pricing

This course's pricing can range from to $6-20 per month depending on the plan for individuals. The basic tier, for $6, offers 1 Child Account, 1 Parent Account, Progress Tracking, and Online Support, while the family plan and home school plans offer more accounts and solutions to problems.

How CodeMonkey Teaches Coding?

Coding is taught in either block based, text based, or advanced forms, and the platform even offers courses specifically designed for Pre-K and Kindergarten students.

Is CodeMonkey Worth It?

Yes, with CodeMonkey, you’re going to see a lot of unique offerings and advantages when compared to traditional schooling or other courses.

Advantages of CodeMonkey

1. Fun and Attractive Interface 2. Tons of Support 3. Pricing

Is CodeMonkey Perfect for You?

CodeMonkey is a great option for kids specifically. It makes the interface and lessons appealing to children in a way that other programs don't. Overall, CodeMonkey is engaging for kids but can also turn off older learners who want something a little more advanced.

I hope my review helped you decide if CodeMonkey is perfect for your kid. Our goal is to help students and kids innovate with coding, robotics, and programming!