Teach Kids iOS Programming

with Swift

Swift Programming

Swift is an app-based coding language available on iOS devices. It  offers a flexible learning environment for kids, and they can choose to  build their projects from scratch or choose a template from Swift  playgrounds.

How to Code IOS Apps with Swift

Just as established earlier, Swift is the official programming language  for iOS Apple apps. Swift offers various learning platforms and  curricula for kids to learn how to code with Swift.

Hello Swift

This is a complete guidebook to learning Swift as a kid. Hello Swift is an iOS programming app for kids and other beginners.

Hacking With Swift

This consists of more than 30 online tutorials to learn Swift as a kid.  The tutorials were developed by Paul Hudson and they are free! Through a  step-by-step guide, plus learning materials, games, syntax, and  puzzles, the projects help kids learn how to build their own iOS apps  from scratch.

Everyone Can Code Puzzles

This is a free 40-hour book that teaches kids everything they need to  know about coding Swift. The book is only available on the Apple Play  Store.

Develop IOS Apps with Swift

iOS is the operating system for all Apple devices. Kids can learn how to  develop iOS apps by downloading the Swift online tutorial. Kids are  expected to have garnered a little experience with coding from the Swift  Playground before proceeding to the online tutorial.

Swift Playgrounds

Swift Playgrounds is an iOS app designed for kids to learn how to code  in Swift. Swift Playgrounds offers kids step-by-step and progressive  learning guides. The app is fun, engaging, and highly effective in  teaching kids how to go.

Can Kids Learn Swift?

Yes. In fact, the Swift Playground app was designed to teach kids coding  with Swift. Swift for kids follows a step-by-step guide to teach kids  how to code from scratch. They can also progress at their desired pace.

Swift programming is a coordinated programming language to teach kids.  Everything they need, including learning resources, activities, among  others, are all available.
