Gift Guide for Coders and Programmers in Middle School

This guide will let you through everything you need to know about getting coding gifts for middle school aged kids between eleven and thirteen years old.

Coding for Middle School Aged Kids

Coding for 11-13-year-olds offers an educational challenge and the joy of solving problems creatively. Early exposure to computer programming prepares kids for a lifetime of success.

Middle School Beginner Kits

Middle school beginner kits target kids who are new to the world of coding. Here are amazing beginner coding kits: - BitsBox - Cubetto - Dash Robot

Middle School Intermediate Kits

- Sphero RVR - Thymio II Robot - Anki Cozmo Robot

Middle School Advanced Kits

- Lego Mindstorm Ev3 - Bitsbox - Anki Cozmo Robot

Teaching Middle School Kids How to Code

1. Begin with unplugged/off-screen coding activities. 2. Use visual and block-based programming languages, e.g. Scratch, Blockly, etc.

Teaching Middle School Kids How to Code

3. After mastering visual platforms, move to Python and other text-based languages. 4. Use Coding Books 5. Subscribe to themed coding kits and boxes.

Can kids start coding in middle school?

Coding is ideal for middle schoolers. Kids can read, write, and comprehend at this age, making coding faster and easier.

I hope you learn and find the perfect gifts for middle school kids who love coding in this guide!