Digital Literacy for Kids


Digital literacy is a wide phenomenon that is reflected in every aspect of human society. Digital literacy for kids limits the scope of how kids can become digital literate and execute tasks smoothly.


Here are important tips you need to know about Digital Literacy: - Digital Literacy Helps Kids to Understand Better - Kids can reapply existing knowledge to situations - Incorporate digital literacy to their subjects

Levels of Digital Literacy

According to the European Commission, digital literacy can be grouped into three levels. - Digital Competence, - Digital Application/Usage - Digital Transformation

Digital Literacy for Pre Schoolers

Digital literacy for preschoolers involves teaching the tenets of digital literacy to kids between the ages of 3-6. Preschoolers, also called kindergarten, barely know how to read and write. At this stage, you use visual digital tools to teach and drive home your points

Digital Literacy for Elementary

For elementary kids, the following are the important things to know: - Critical thinking and evaluation should be the core of your teaching - Storing digital information - Learn Digital Tools

Digital Literacy for Middle School

Digital literacy for middle schoolers builds upon their existing knowledge of digital literacy. Since the foundation has been laid, teachers can proceed to teach some of the technicalities of digital literacy.

Digital Literacy for High School

Kids in high school fall between the ages of 14-18. In addition to learning e-safety, critical thinking, content creation, and digital competence, among others, kids in this category will learn the use of words in the digital environment.

Digital Literacy Tools

Computers, laptops, phones, and tablets, are all digital literacy tools. These tools serve as a gateway to the digital world. They are important tools needed to achieve digital literacy.

Digital literacy for kids is as important as teaching basic reading and writing skills. Kids must become digital literate early enough. It prepares them for their career and the real world, and it also equips them with digital skills which are necessary to succeed in the digital world and their career in general.